We assist family law lawyers and clients with dispute support services, in the quantitative side of family law issues. Our professionals have provided expert testimony in matters before the Ontario Court of Justice and the Ontario Superior Court. In addition, we have provided assistance to numerous alternative dispute resolution forums, such as arbitration, mediation, collaborative and kitchen table.
Our services include:
Securities and derivative valuations
Assistance with tax matters on breakdown of marriage
Net family property calculations
Income analysis for child and spousal support
Lifestyle analysis
Asset tracing
Derivation & analysis of settlement solutions/financial mediation or arbitration
Litigation support
Attendance and assistance at trials, mediations, arbitration hearings, etc.
Providing valuation support for marriage/co-habitation contracts
Assistance with the preparation of Form 13.1 Financial Statements
Assistance with DivorceMate/Support calculations
Review of, and commentary on, other experts’ reports
Forensic investigations