When is the 2025 MQE?
The 2025 MQE will take place on Wednesday, September 17, 2025 (4 hours duration).
Why take a prep course for the MQE?
The MQE is time-constrained and covers an expansive syllabus. The exam comes with several nuances and it is important to understand how it is structured and how it is evaluated. Success in tackling its challenges starts with smart planning and focus. Our pass rate data speaks to the importance of taking a prep course – in 2015 and 2016, 86% of all students who attended and completed all components of our course offerings were successful on the MQE.
How will MQE Insight improve my chances of success on the exam?
The MQE Insight course was developed by, and is led by, two past MQE medalists. In addition to reviewing technical building blocks, we aid students in understanding where the challenges lie and how to overcome them. Our goal is to develop effective exam writing strategies in order to avoid common pitfalls and achieve success on exam day.
What if I am unable to attend a live session?
If you are unable to make one of our live course offerings due to time or geographical constraints, consider our online video-conferencing or guided self-study course formats. Both of these course formats offers an optional (add-on) individual exam marking and feedback.
How much guidance will I receive through the guided self-study format?
We offer 60 minutes of private exam counselling in the guided self-study format, as well as an optional (add-on) individual marking and feedback on a prior MQE exam. In our experience, certain candidates – particularly those who do not have a strong case-writing background – may need additional practice exams and/or one-on-one coaching in order to bridge technical gaps or ‘course correct’ on exam writing strategies. We may recommend to self-study writers to complete an additional marked exam for a fee of $400.00 + applicable taxes.
What are the pros and cons of taking a weekend course vs. a weekly (6-session course)?
Weekly course offerings (including the live session in Toronto and the online video-conferencing session) start earlier in the summer and offer opportunity for practice and improvement on exam writing strategies during 6 sessions over a 9-week period leading up to the exam. Weekend courses offer a condensed format over fewer hours of instruction time, but offer the same core components to help focus your studying efforts and develop smart exam writing strategies. However, for weekend courses, individual exam marking and feedback is offered as an add-on (i.e., a-là-carte for an additional fee). Some students find they need this; others find that the weekend course provides enough initial practice and a study plan which they can then execute on their own or with a study partner for subsequent practice exams.
I am a repeat writer. What are my options?
We recommend that you have a call with us to discuss the best study plan for the months leading up to the 2025 MQE. Contact Melanie to set up a call to discuss your options for our repeat writers’ program.
What if I need to cancel or transfer to a different session?
If you are unable to attend one of our courses subsequent to enrollment , you may reschedule to another 2025 course offering or substitute registration to another person provided that you pay any difference in the registration fee.
If you cancel prior to any course subsequent to enrolment but before receiving the course material, you will be refunded the fee paid less a per-person administrative charge of $200 + applicable taxes. Written notification must be received prior to the course start date.
What happens if I take a 2025 MQE Insight prep course and am unsuccessful on the
2025 MQE?
You can repeat any future course for an administrative charge of $200 + applicable taxes.
How are sales taxes calculated on registration fees?
Sales taxes for live classroom courses are based on the following rates:
Alberta: 5% HST
Ontario: 13% HST
Quebec: 5% GST + 9.975% QST
Sales taxes for guided self-study and individual marking and feedback are based on the Ontario HST rate.
Course Inquiries
Melanie Russell, melanie@kalexpartners.com, 416-488-9590 ext. 225
Payment & Registration Inquiries
Katie Russell, katie@kalexpartners.com, 416-488-9590 ext. 230